Potassium Depletion – Risk Factors Associated With Potassium Depletion

Potassium is a naturally occurring mineral found in all the foods you consume. It is also an electrolyte. Electrolytes transport electrical impulses through the body. They help in all sorts of vital body functions, such as heart rate, muscle relaxation, blood flow, and energy. Some Potassium-rich foods are bananas, oranges, tomatoes, grapefruit, broccoli, corn, peas, almonds, popcorn, and other nuts and seeds.

Why Is Potassium So Important?

Potassium is essential to life. But too much potassium in your diet can cause problems. When the level of Potassium in your body drops below normal, it can affect your muscles and even cause weakness. In extreme cases, too little potassium in your blood can lead to irregular heartbeat and heart failure, which can have a variety of extremely important health benefits.

High blood levels of potassium are associated with a number of medical issues. Among them are poor kidney function and heart problems. Diabetics who have hypokalemia often suffer from a potassium deficiency. The treatment for this condition is usually a potassium supplement or a potassium-rich food, such as bananas, oranges, spinach, beans, potatoes, and other leafy vegetables. For those who do not feel well enough to eat fresh fruit, canned fruits and other fresh vegetables may help to satisfy their potassium needs.

Muscle cramps are another side effect that accompanies high levels of potassium in your body. If you are experiencing strong pain in your legs, it could be because your kidneys are not functioning properly. Your kidneys filter out waste and make sure that fluid in your body is properly disposed of. They work very hard to keep you from getting sick and also to maintain your kidney function. If your kidneys are not functioning properly, fluid may build up in your muscle tissue causing sharp, severe pain.


Side Effects Of Low Potassium

As we age, we sometimes notice that our skin no longer has that soft, supple feel to it. One possible reason is that our body’s blood potassium levels drop. While some doctors believe that low levels of potassium are linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, there is no actual scientific evidence linking the two. However, if you regularly eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, you should notice an improvement in your skin texture.

Another interesting side effect of a low potassium level in your body is the development of muscle cramps. Again, this can be attributed to a potassium deficiency. Our muscles need a good amount of potassium to perform properly. If we get too little potassium, our muscles will simply have trouble working. So it is always recommended to eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

The last major risk factor associated with inadequate potassium intake is muscular weakness. It is not uncommon to see some elderly patients suffering from atrophy due to potassium loss. Excessive muscle weakness is actually a symptom of kidney failure, so it is important to make sure your kidneys are functioning well. You can do this by having sufficient sodium and potassium in your diet. This way, you can reduce the occurrence of muscle weakness.

Of course, our body does not work like a battery. It is not possible for us to keep all of our cells properly hydrated. Some of the fluids that we lose are actually pumped to our muscle tissues where they help them carry out functions. These fluids include plasma, which is a key element of blood vessel function, along with fluid that is lost through our digestive system. If you consistently get insufficient dietary potassium, these fluids are likely to get re-absorbed into the bloodstream, causing severe dehydration.