Phosphorus and Its Importance

Phosphorus is one of the 20 essential minerals that are required by the human body. The human body needs a certain amount of phosphorous in order to grow and develop properly. Phosphorus is found in many different foods. However, not all foods have the same amount of phosphorous.

Where Is Phosphorus Found?

Phosphorus is most commonly found in dairy products and other animal foods. The most important function of phosphorus is in the production of teeth and bones. Phosphorus plays an important part in how the human body uses fats and carbohydrates. Phosphorus is also needed for your body to produce ATP, a molecule that the body uses to store energy.

Milk and dairy products are among the highest sources of phosphorous. While you may not like the taste of milk or other dairy foods, they are a great source of mineral phosphate. Milk contains one percent of phosphorus, while other foods such as yogurt and cheese contain two percent of phosphorus.

What Does Phosphorus Do, Exactly?

Phosphorus is an essential mineral that is involved in many bodily functions. Phosphorus works with the kidneys to remove waste and toxins from the blood. Excessive loss of phosphorus can cause kidney disease, which can be fatal. Kidney disease can affect people of all ages but is more common in aged individuals.

Phosphorus is used in the development of red blood cells. High levels of phosphorus in the blood can cause a number of serious problems including coronary artery disease and rheumatoid arthritis. To maintain healthy blood-sugar levels and maintain proper kidney function, you must monitor your phosphorus intake. The American Kidney Foundation recommends that adults age 35 and over receive their daily allowance of phosphorus in foods and supplements.

What Can Cause a Phosphorus Deficiency?

Phosphorus is found in a number of everyday foods, especially those rich in calcium. Phosphorus deficiency can occur when you eat too many animal-based products, including eggs, meat, and dairy products. Phosphorus supplements are available at most health food stores. For those who may not consume enough of the right kinds of calcium-rich foods, phosphorous injections can be taken to replenish your body’s supply. Your doctor will be able to advise you of dosage for your specific needs.

Phosphorus deficiency has also been linked to bone loss in women. High levels of phosphorus in your body can lead to weak bones and high risks of fractures. This is why it is important to add phosphorous-rich calcium and other food sources to your diet to help improve bone health. Milk is an excellent source of phosphorous, as are cheese, peanut butter, fish bones, and poultry. You should also eat lots of whole grains and legumes to help increase your phosphorus intake. Phosphorus can also be found in a number of vitamin and mineral supplements.


Things To Know When Taking Phosphorus 

Phosphorus additives are widely used, however, there is evidence that many of these additives are problematic. Trace amounts of phosphorus can still become lost when processing raw food products and during the manufacturing process. Phosphate additives may even be absorbed into the food during the cooking process and this can then create a problem for those with dietary needs for phosphorus. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient that your body needs. If you have insufficient levels in your body, you could suffer from a number of health problems.

One of the most common forms of phosphorus deficiency is hyperphosphatemia, which is defined as low levels of Phosphorus in the body. It has also been known to cause symptoms such as fatigue, muscle cramps, blurred vision, and diarrhea. The only way to treat this condition is to provide the body with additional Phosphorus, either through food supplementation or through pills and tablets. Phosphorus levels in the body drop as we get older. Pregnant women are particularly at risk of phosphorus deficiency due to their increased Phosphorus intake. In the long term, prolonged Phosphorus deficiency can lead to bone loss and kidney stones.

Low levels of phosphorus are particularly important in the treatment of bone disease, as low phosphorus levels are thought to play a major role in the incidence of osteoporosis in later life. Phosphorus deficiency can also lead to other serious medical conditions such as Hypophosphatemia, an abnormality of phosphorus absorption in the body, and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), where the Phosphorus levels in the blood become increasingly insufficient, causing kidney problems. While all three of these conditions have proven to be treatable, the treatment for Bone Disease requires a lengthy process, involving regular visits to the hospital.

Phosphorus deficiencies occur most commonly in countries with diets that are deficient in phosphorous. These include countries like the US, which has one of the highest rates of Phosphorus deficiency in the world. Phosphorus levels in the average American’s diet are well below the required amount, which can have serious health implications. For this reason, most doctors will only consider a phosphate supplement if there is an unusually high level of Phosphorus deficiency, or if the person in question does not meet Phosphorus requirements through other means. In patients with mild Phosphorus deficiency, it is possible to treat it with a single tablet or a combination of tablets and fluids.